Wednesday, May 30, 2007




Coach Dave Daubenmire
May 10, 2007

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." -- From Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

America and Communism. For most of us those are two words that just don't seem to go together. We all saw the Berlin Wall fall and crumbling with it onto the ash-heap of history was Communism, the brain child of God-hating Karl Marx. "Communism is dead" we have been assured and anyone who tries to present evidence of the false burial is engaging in a much more dangerous ideology, the sin of McCarthyism. In today's politically correct environment the label of "McCarthyite" has become synonymous with racist, bigot, and homophobe. The facts show, however, that McCarthy was right. Those facts have become an inconvenient Truth, though, haven't they?

But in some of my recent research I have been struck by a strong resemblance to the beliefs of Communism and the beliefs of those who are currently striving for leadership in America. Now don't get me wrong, I know Communism is dead because the media has told me so! But, as the old saying goes, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck."

Let me clear the air. I am not a Republican and I am not a conservative. The last thing I want is for people to think that I want to "conserve" this mess I currently see in America! No, I am aligned with no political party. To steal a line from Founding Father Benjamin Rush, I am a Christocrat. My allegiance is to Jesus.

The way I see it, neither major political party defends the Constitution. They talk about it when it suits their agenda, but neither party desires to follow it. The leadership of today's major parties are two thumbs in the same eye.

Some in my family are staunch Democrats and many of my friends self-identify as Republicans, yet, for the most part they share the same values. Each tends to cast a vote based on "pet" issues, usually economical in nature. To be truthful, I am saddened to admit that most of my friends and family really have no idea what is happening in this country. Their loyalty to their "party" has very little basis in what beliefs they hold. They have been convinced that if "their party" gets in power everything will be fine. You see how small the government has become under the Republicans, don't you? Wasn't it liberal Bill Clinton who said, "The era of big-government is over?" Is it over?

Words mean things and I am always amazed at how subtle the changes in language are. For instance, what was once known as "mainstream Christianity" has now become fundamentalist, and what was once known as "liberal" has become progressive. Funny isn't, that we hear a lot about "fundamental extremists" but rarely hear of "progressive extremists"? Who is in charge of giving meaning to words? That guy has a lot of power!

So, I guess from the definitions I just gave you, I would have to categorize myself as a fundamentalist. I am not ashamed of it and I am not afraid to say it. I believe in the God of the Bible and His sovereignty over man. But why is it everyone else wants to hide behind labels? Liberals (which, by the way, I think I hold many liberal positions such as: I am liberal for a baby's right to choose to live, I am liberal in a person's right to carry a gun, I am liberal in a parent's right to choose the type of education he would like for his child, and I am liberal in a person's right not to have to accept things that are anathema to his conscience…), don't like to be called that any more. They want to be called "progressive." I think "Secular Progressives" is the term Bill O'Reilly uses.

But see, that is part of the bait-and-switch that the wordsmiths constantly use. Just when we all figure out what a "liberal" and a "conservative" are, they change the words to try and stay one step ahead of the posse. Being a liberal will not sell well in red-state America, (by the way, shouldn't Republican states be blue and Democrat states red?) so instead they (quack-quack) call themselves "progressives," as if that were some kind of new political thought. And a "compassionate conservative" is nothing more than a softer name for the old term "liberal." Those in the rank and file of both parties still identify themselves by the old terms. They think Democrats are "liberals" and "conservatives" are Republicans. They have not kept up with the ever-changing vocabulary of politics. But, the party leadership understands the game very well.

Last month, due to the prompting of my friend Pastor Ernie Sanders, I discovered a document that every American should read. It is a list of "Current Communist Goals" as read into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963. Take time to read the 45 goals for the Communist takeover of America. It is chilling. It is as if the list were a "how we did it" written in 2007, rather than a "how to do it" written in 1963!

But here is my point, after you read the list ask yourself two questions. How successful have the Communists been in attaining their goal? How many of these goals would today's "Progressives" disagree with? In case you didn't take the time to read the list, allow me to point out a few worth noting:

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
15. Capture one, or both, of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Isn't it time we started calling a duck a duck? Progressives promote Communism. They hate to be called Communists because they know that baby-boomers would never vote for a Communist. So they are progressives. Think the average Joe knows what that means? Calling a Communist a progressive is like calling Al Sharpton a Reverend.

Look at this list of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group of 65 Democratic members of the House of Representatives. They all support the Communist agenda.

But let's not stop there. What about the "compassionate conservatives"? How many of them aggressively oppose those same Communist goals? How many of the Republican candidates will run on a platform in opposition to those goals? How many of them follow the Constitution? How many of them will call "progressives" Communists? No, they are too busy "reaching across the aisle" making deals with our domestic enemies.

If you are still voting the party line, then you are the problem. The Communists run the schools, media, universities, seminaries, labor unions, and the government. When you put them in power you hand them your own noose. They are not "progressives," they are Communists. Let's start calling them what they are.

Communism is not dead. The Communists run America. How do I know? Look at how they walk, watch what they do, and listen to what they say. They told us what they were going to do.

"Quack, quack, quack…"

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Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach.

© 2007 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved

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Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.



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Remember The USS Liberty!

May 30, 2007
Remember the Liberty!
When Israel attacks, the Pentagon retreats
by Justin Raimondo

It was 40 years ago this June 8 that the USS Liberty – a large, armorless, refitted freighter that was gathering intelligence in the Mediterranean at the outset of the Six Day War – was attacked by Israeli fighter jets and torpedoes. Thirty-four U.S. sailors were killed, and 172 were wounded. The Liberty limped back to Malta. A U.S. Navy court of inquiry was on board investigating the damage, but – for some reason – the investigators were not allowed to proceed to Israel to find out what really went on. Orders from the top echelons of the Pentagon nixed the inquiry, and today, the families of the fallen still haven't gotten any answers as to why Israel was allowed to get away with it without even so much as a slap on the wrist – nor even any public acknowledgment that it was a deliberate attack.

Far from apologizing, the Israelis have to this day denied that they attacked the Liberty on purpose, and – incredibly – they stoutly maintain that the whole thing was an "accident." This in spite of the fact that the Liberty was proudly flying a U.S. flag and was easily identifiable as an American vessel. The Israel Lobby has even gone so far as to publish a book, The Liberty Incident, by Jay Cristol, that makes the case for the "accidental" scenario, but the survivors' families – and a number of credible commentators – aren't buying it. One of those commentators is the former captain of the Liberty, Ward Boston, who has signed an affidavit stating unequivocally:

"The evidence was clear. Both Admiral [Isaac C.] Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack … was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. It was our shared belief, based on the documentary evidence and testimony we received firsthand, that the Israeli attack was planned and deliberate."

Capt. Boston says that Adm. Kidd, who was in charge of the subsequent inquiry, frequently referred to the Israelis as "murderous bastards," and a number of intelligence experts and U.S. officials seem to concur, albeit not in precisely those terms. Says former CIA director Richard Helms: "The board of inquiry [concluded] that the Israelis knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty." Former Secretary of State Dean Rusk says:

"I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. … Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous."

Even more outrageous was the cover-up by the Pentagon – and the White House of Lyndon "Hey Hey LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?" Johnson. According to officer David Lewis, who was below deck at the time of the attack:

"[6th Rear Fleet Adm. Lawrence Geis] told me that since I was the senior Liberty survivor on board he wanted to tell me in confidence what had actually transpired. He told me that upon receipt of our SOS, aircraft were launched to come to our assistance, and then Washington was notified. He said that [Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara] had ordered that the aircraft be returned to the carrier, which was done. RADM Geis then said that he speculated that Washington may have suspected that the aircraft carried nuclear weapons so he put together another flight of conventional aircraft that had no capability of carrying nuclear weapons. These he launched to assist us and again notified Washington of his actions. Again McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled. He requested confirmation of the order being unable to believe that Washington would let us sink. This time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies."

Rather than embarrass his "allies," the president of the United States caved in to the Lobby and buried the truth about the death of American servicemen under a mountain of obfuscation and official silence. As Tim Fischer, a former deputy prime minister of Australia and a former army officer, put it in The Age:

"If Israel did deliberately attack the most powerful nation on Earth, it knows it can do so and get away with murder. Worse still, U.S. military personnel now know that if the truth is politically inconvenient, they and their legacy are expendable."

When it comes to the calculations of the Lobby, we are all expendable – that is the bitter lesson we are learning as a futile war in the Middle East not only rages on but threatens to expand beyond the borders of Iraq. Our "ally" Israel is an albatross hung 'round our necks, and it is slowly strangling America's chances of defeating Islamic extremism in the battle for the hearts and minds of Muslims worldwide. Will no one rid us of this troublesome "ally"?

I'm afraid they won't. The power of the Lobby, as explicated by scholars John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, is as formidable as ever, if not more so. They ensure that there is no real debate over our Middle Eastern policy, either in Congress or in the councils of government policymakers. Their spies are allowed to get away with all sorts of activities that any other foreign power would soon feel Washington's wrath over. Their demands are considered the starting point for all policy decisions, and they are rewarded for their lack of loyalty to their main benefactor by being showered with all manner of gifts: "foreign aid," loan guarantees, and technology transfers that have enabled them to build up a military capacity – including nuclear weapons – that knows no rival in the region.

The sinking of the Liberty and the subsequent whitewash of the Israelis is proof – if any more were needed – that Israel enjoys a position of preeminence within the councils of state that belies its small size and relative weakness as a settler colony totally dependent on outside infusions of support.

Critics may aver that this is all ancient history, that there is no reason to bring up the sinking of the Liberty, and even if it wasn't an accident, it's time to let bygones be bygones. The Lobby constantly asserts that anyone who even mentions this "incident" is nothing but an anti-Semite, because, after all, why talk about it now? The reason is that it underscores the utter falsity of the argument that Israeli and American interests are uniquely and perpetually in perfect alignment. The Israelis attacked the Liberty, according to several books and a BBC documentary on the subject, in order to prevent the U.S. government from learning of Israeli plans to occupy the Golan Heights – a sliver of land that rightfully belongs to Syria, and which is still causing a great many problems for U.S. interests in the region. The stunning fact of the American government's complicity in hiding the truth about an attack on its own soldiers is all we need to know about what's wrong with American foreign policy – and what is the exact source of the problem.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Perhaps George Bush Knows Something We Don't Know"



By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

May 25, 2007

Those of you who heard my radio program back in 2001 know that I predicted then that George W. Bush would do to the Republican Party much the same thing that Bill Clinton did to the Democratic Party. However, I must confess, I could not then realize the magnitude of that prediction.

Most of us remember that it was the election of Bill Clinton in 1992 that was the impetus for the Republican revolution of 1994. If you recall, a congressional election sweep of the magnitude of 1994 had not been seen in the previous seventy years. It is a truism that Bill Clinton helped to elect more Republicans than the Republican National Committee could ever dream about. Now, the same thing is happening with George W. Bush. In spades!

Amazingly, the two issues that I predicated my prediction on have materialized exactly as I said they would. I warned my audience in 2001 that George W. Bush had every intention of invading Iraq, and once there, did not plan to leave, but would probably seek to expand the war's theatre. I also predicted that Bush would seek to facilitate illegal immigration and create the working group to create a hemispheric government.

I then said that if Bush did as I suspected he would, it would be the end of the Republican Party as a major force in American politics. Looking back, I cannot believe how right I was. And, make no mistake about it: I would love to have been proven wrong.

George W. Bush is driving the GOP off the cliff. His mad infatuation with Mexican immigration, and his unbelievably naïve and dangerous policies in the Middle East are causing people to leave the Republican Party like rats off a sinking ship.

In a recent CNN poll, fewer than 25% of the American people now identify themselves as Republicans. If there is any saving grace for the GOP, it is only found in the fact that a majority of people are also fed up with the Democratic Party. Only 33% of the American people now identify themselves as Democrats. Instead, a much larger percentage, some 42% of the American people now identify themselves as Independents. However, it is the Republican Party that will take the brunt of the voters' wrath come next year.

Even those who were willing to forgive Bush for taking us to war with Iraq have no patience or mercy for his dogged determination to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and to merge America into a regional commercial entity with Mexico and Canada.

Add to the frustration of the GOP faithful the fact that the popular frontrunners for next year's elections are all conservative misfits. Rudy Giuliani is a blatant liberal on most of the fundamental issues that conservatives care about. Mitt Romney has flipped and flopped so many times, he looks like a dying trout. And John McCain can kiss whatever campaign hopes he had goodbye, as conservatives now realize that he is one of the movers and shakers of the amnesty bill currently being shoved down our throats. Some believe Fred Thompson can save the sinking ship, but he can't. He is too closely connected to Big Government interests to become 2008's version of Ronald Reagan. Ditto for Newt Gingrich.

Of course, Ron Paul is the man that could save the GOP in next year's general election, but the Republican machine would rather die than let him win the nomination. Therefore, the GOP is in a self-destruct mode, and I don't believe anyone can do anything to prevent it.

Then again, perhaps George Bush knows something we don't know. Writing for World Net Daily, Dr. Jerry Corsi reports that President Bush has just signed a Presidential Directive that would give the President dictatorial powers should he decide to declare a "national emergency."

Corsi writes, "President Bush, without so much as issuing a press statement, on May 9 signed a directive that granted near dictatorial powers to the office of the president in the event of a national emergency declared by the president.

"The 'National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive,' with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, establishes under the office of president a new National Continuity Coordinator."

Corsi continued by saying, "Translated into layman's terms, when the president determines a national emergency has occurred, the president can declare to the office of the presidency powers usually assumed by dictators to direct any and all government and business activities until the emergency is declared over."

In much the same way that President Bush has committed the United States to a new hemispheric governmental entity with Mexico and Canada under the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) agreement, he has created a new position of "National Continuity Coordinator," complete with dictatorial powers, without the knowledge or consent of Congress.

So, the sixty-four million dollar question seems to be, Is George W. Bush an egomaniac, without conscience or regard for his own party, or is he a bumbling, stumbling, simpleton-cowboy who is really as dumb as he talks, or is he deliberately and meticulously (with much help, of course) orchestrating America's entrance into Daddy Bush's "New World Order"? I personally believe the correct answer is found behind curtain number three.

In any case, President Bush has almost single-handedly superintended the destruction of the Republican Party, which by itself, is not necessarily a bad thing. America desperately needs a strong Independent party that respects America's working men and women and submits to constitutional government. Perhaps the demise of the GOP will create a void that such a party can fill in 2008--providing that Bush has not become der Führer by then.

© 2007 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

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Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence.

Dr. Baldwin is the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show on the Genesis Communications Network called, "Chuck Baldwin Live" This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. Pastor Baldwin writes weekly articles on the internet

and newspapers.

To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site at: When responding, please include your name, city and state.



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Friday, May 25, 2007

Do You Consider Yourself a Libertarian?

Do You Consider Yourself a Libertarian?

Kenny Johnsson interviews Lew Rockwell for The Liberal Post

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Johnsson: Do you consider yourself a libertarian?

Rockwell: Most certainly. What are the choices? Conservative is obviously out, even though the media describe us this way. The term's heritage dates to the Tory party in Britain, the very mercantilist-landowners who resisted change in the Corn Laws. This group opposed capitalism as socially destabilizing. They didn't like the merchant class to making more money than the old families – meaning that they didn't want to lose their privileges. In the US, the term conservative came about after World War II. It had no meaning, really, other than to refer to the general desire to be prudent in public affairs, in contrast to the revolutionary tendencies on the left. The problem is that it amounted to a defense of the status quo, and, after Buckley, it was irretrievably wrapped up with the Cold War cause.

I like the term liberal since genuine liberalism is our heritage. It was their insight that society is self-managing, and this is the greatest political idea ever advanced in human history. But there are two problems here. The first is that the term was hijacked by socialists during the Progressive Era and especially after the New Deal, when the liberals finally sold out to the state. The second is more obscure but it is important: even the good kind of liberalism was very much bound up with republican theory, that you could have a government made up of the people rather than the elites. This error, which is really utopian, led to a commitment to government as an essential institution. Advances in economics and political philosophy since that time have shown that this is a misnomer. There is no way to keep government in check, since by definition it is guilty of committing the very aggressions it is supposedly designed to keep at bay: namely, theft, murder, counterfeiting, kidnapping, and the like. So the liberal critique of the state just wasn't radical enough.

There are other options, such as the term I once used, "paleolibertarian," which refers to libertarianism before the movement emerged to institutionalize it as an ideological wing of the state's political apparatus. This term was designed to address a very serious problem that libertarians in Washington had come to see themselves as a pleading pressure group hoping to find "market-based" solutions to public policy problems but within public policy, and thus do they support school vouchers, limited wars, managed trade, forced savings as an alternative to social security, and the like. Unfortunately, the term paleolibertarian became confused because of its association with paleoconservative, so it came to mean some sort of socially conservative libertarian, which wasn't the point at all – though the attempted definition of libertarian as necessarily socially leftist is a problem too.

There are other strange terms bandied about from time to time, but in the end, I think we have to be happy with the term libertarian, while knowing that politics tends to taint all word usage issues. What is a libertarian? It is a person who believes in the absolute right of private property ownership. All else follows from that one proposition.

Johnsson: Your slogan on is Anti-War, Anti-State, Pro-Market; how do you define anti-state?

Rockwell: To be anti-state is to hold the intellectual position that there is nothing that society needs that the state can do better than the market. If you hold that view, you are anti-state. So in some ways, to say anti-war, anti-state, and pro-market is to propose redundancies of the same idea. I would defend the anti-state idea in every aspect of human life. The market is better in schools, energy, food, housing, charity, trade, consumer protection, justice, security, and even international relations. I know of no exceptions. The major burden of all the editorial work that I do is to make this point again and again. Does it grow weary? Not in any way. The number one, central, ubiquitous problem of our time and all time is the state. Whenever a criminal band manages to bamboozle the public that it alone should be granted the legal right to aggress on others, there is a problem that needs to be uprooted. The struggle for freedom is precisely this and no other.

Johnsson: What about anti-war? Are there no wars libertarians can support?

Rockwell: We can support any defense of person and property. But war as we understand the term in modern times is a government program like any other, meaning that it over-utilizes resources, causes destruction of property and life, and fails to achieve its stated aims. On the last point, war often leads to the opposite of its stated aims. Iraq is a good example. But it is important for us to realize that in this respect, it is like any other government program. Western history had this idea of "just war" that was supposed to prevent war from starting and prevent them from becoming total. But who is left to decide what is just and what is not? The finally authority here is the state. Of course it sees itself as just. That's why we need not just rules but institutional change.

Johnsson: Who would you support in the 2008 elections?

Rockwell: I would like to see elections for public office abolished, and that is particularly true for the presidency. The idea of the president was initially that some far-seeing, wise person would emerge from the aristocratic class who would sit atop the apparatus of the state and make sure that all things ran well. The founders were not stupid: they knew there was potential for abuse. So they made it possible to impeach the president if there was the slightest slip up. Unfortunately, this didn't work. It was like putting the chief inmates in charge of overseeing the conduct of the other inmates. The problem is that they all end up working together.

If you look at the crop of people who are running for president today, you gain new understanding of Hayek's phrase "the worst get on top." What an amazing bunch of dangerous nothings they are. The Democrats look positively dreadful. The antiwar people among them have touted the idea that every young person should be enslaved into national service. What are these people thinking? Most of them are nothing but voices for a special interest cause. The Republicans are creepy too: people in love with the idea of military force and who think more jails and more wars will solve all the world's problems.

In many ways, it seems like the 30s all over again, when everyone thought we had to choose between socialism and fascism and that there was no other path. At least the confusions of the 30s have the excuse that a depression was raging. What's our excuse for forgetting the liberal vision today? It is really disgusting.

Of course I'm cheering on Ron Paul because he is exposing the nature of the whole system. He is not running for president. He is running against the presidency as it is currently understood. Ultimately, however, I do not believe that politics offers a way out. What we need is a new consciousness concerning the idea of human liberty.

Johnsson: Would you vote for a libertarian in any election?

Rockwell: I don’t vote. Why play along? Your vote doesn’t count, unless the election is decided by one vote, and you have far more chance of being killed on the way to the polls than that happening. Besides, the vote is the sign and symbol of the democratic state. I abstain.

Johnsson: Do you think we should reform taxes?

Rockwell: The tax reform game is an old one. The idea is to tell people that taxes can be made simpler, easier, less intrusive, less distortive, less onerous, and all the rest. But it never seems to pan out, and for one simple reason: taxing always and everywhere means taking money from people by force. They try to disguise that in various ways, and that is really what is going on with tax reform. It's like negotiating with a robber, who proposes to enter your house at night so he won't disturb you, or asks for a key to the front door so that he won't have to break in, or suggests that you give him some cash so that he won't have to take the family silver. In the end, your property is gone. So reform doesn't seem like a good path to me. What we need are lower taxes, or, ideally, no taxes. We should start by abolishing certain tax programs, such as the income tax.

Johnsson: Some say you're an anarchist; is that true?

Rockwell: The term anarchist is mostly used to mean someone who believes that if the state and law are gotten rid of, all property would become collectively owned. It was the great insight of Murray Rothbard that this is not the case: private ownership and the law that support it are natural, while the state is artificial. So he was an anarchist in this sense but to avoid confusion he used the term anarcho-capitalist. This doesn't mean that he favored somehow establishing a capitalist system in place of the state. What he said is that capitalism is the de facto result in a civilized society without a state. Has this position made advances? Yes, but not so many that we can use the term anarchism without causing confusion. If the purpose of words is to communicate, I'm not sure that the term does that well.

As to my own views, I do believe that society thrives best without a state. But I'm with Rothbard, Nock, Molinari, Chodorov, and others who believe in law and private government, such as we find in corporations, housing subdivisions, and church hierarchies. So if by anarchism we mean a society without law, I'm completely against that idea.

Johnsson: How did the Mises Institute get started?

Rockwell: I founded the Mises Institute in 1982 in cooperation with Mises's widow Margit. The idea was to provide an infrastructure of support for Misesian thought, primarily in economics but also in other areas. Rothbard was an enormous help. We ended up as his main publisher at a time when others found him to be too radical, just as people found Mises to be too radical. The Mises Institute is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. It has become a major force in the world of ideas. I'm thrilled at the progress we've made.

Johnsson: Some have said Murray N. Rothbard's view on economic thought is not reliable; do you agree or disagree with that?

Rockwell: Did Murray make mistakes? Of course. There are no oracles who see all and know all. But no one can read a masterpiece like Man, Economy, and State, or browse his massive History of Economic Thought, and say that his economic thought was unreliable. He was a great theorist and teacher in every way.

Johnsson: Do you agree with Ron Paul that we should go by the Constitution and that's it?

Rockwell: The Constitution would be a major improvement over what we have today. But we need to realize that the Constitution itself represented a major increase in government power over the Articles of Confederation, which would have served us quite well had it not been overthrown. I'm not impressed by the bunch that foisted the Constitution on us. They were really up to no good. We've all but forgotten that most everyone opposed it at the time. It only squeaked through once the Bill of Rights was tacked on. The Bill of Rights isn't perfect, but it at least had the advantage of spelling out what the government could not do. In a rather ingenious twist, even that has been perverted: it is now seen as a mandate for the federal government to tell lower orders of government what they cannot do, meaning that it ends up being a force for centralization. This is such a tragedy. If Patrick Henry could see what became of it, I'm sure he never would have tolerated it. The same might be true of Hamilton, for that matter. So long as we are talking about founding documents, the one that really deserves more attention is the Declaration of Independence. Now here is an inspiring document that shows us where we should go in the future!

May 25, 2007

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail] is president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, editor of, and author of Speaking of Liberty.

Copyright © 2007

Lew Rockwell Archives

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ron Paul and Clemet L. Vallandigham


Ron Paul and Clemet L. Vallandigham

For the past few days (since the Republicrat “debates”), we have published numerous articles by and about Ron Paul. If you are interested, there is a great deal of background info on Paul at the link below:

Now, the question is, will Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul end up like Clement L. Vallandigham?

The following is excreted from Chapter 18: The Lincoln Cult on Imprisoning War Opponents in Thomas DiLorenzo’s book Lincoln Unmasked: What You are not Supposed to Know about Dishonest Abe. History repeats itself due mostly to historical ignorance, due mostly to State propaganda. Will King George the Bushlet, et al. decide that Paul is guilty of treason? What will we do if that happens?

“Exhibit A” of the Lincoln cultists’ case for imprisoning congressional war opponents is Ohio congressman Clement L. Vallandigham. Vallandigham was appalled and outraged at Lincoln’s illegal suspension of habeas corpus and his mass arrest of political opponents. The congressman’s alleged “act of treason” was a speech he made condemning Lincoln’s “persistent infractions of the Constitution.”

Vallandigham said that the Lincoln usurpations were all done, not to “save the union” but to advance the cause of “national banks… and permanent public debt, high tariffs, heavy direct taxation, enormous expenditure, gigantic and stupendous peculation… and strong government… no more State lines… and a consolidated monarchy or vast centralized military despotism.”

The Lincoln administration charged that these speeches discouraged Ohio boys from joining the military and worse, they encouraged desertion and were therefore treasonous.

Lincoln made a big deal out of handing Vallandigham over to the Confederates who wanted nothing to do with a congressman who favored uniting the North and South. So, Vallandigham lived in exile in Canada for the rest of the war.

thegunny, 419
Think secession!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007



With all the TV, newspaper, and Internet coverage of the current immigation flap, I have seen little, if anything, noteworthy regarding deportation of illegals. Of course, most articles do indicate a brief disclaimer that deportation is "impossible," "out of the question," too costly," etc.

In other words it's just not PC!

But, what is wrong with just going ahead and deporting illegals? Everything, apparently.
I even posted this question on several online blogs--same result, people just don't want to suggest or agree in any way that we should deport illegals. They are quite...cautious.

They have been prompted by our politicians, the MSM, etc. to know what is nice and what isn't. Nobody is going to stick their neck out. Even on the online sites that proudly claim to be conservative and or libertarian, posters are indeed very cautious of seeming to agree with anyone who might be advocating just plain deporting of legals. Such sites, however, are not always composed of those who are truly conservative or libertarian. Maybe you've noticed that too. All these years of the conditioning by the government school system (indoctrination), the MSM, Hollyweird, peer pressure, etc. have taken its toll--there are no exceptions to this, we are all affected to one degree or another.

So, w/o further ado, I'll go ahead and post this notwithstanding that we know that it will strike a chord with some of you real Americans out there, who will likely remain silent, while only the know-it-alls, usual malcontents, etc. may reply.
But I'll post it anyway--there, I feel much better now.


Dick Gaines
The "Original" Gunny G

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What Do You Expect?


To America’s Generals….

“According to recently published reports, the Bush administration quietly approached several retired four-star generals last March about accepting a newly created position to coordinate military and political/diplomatic activity in Iraq. None accepted. One of those who refused was highly decorated retired Marine Corps Gen. John J. Sheehan, who was quoted in The Washington Post as saying, “So rather than go over there, develop an ulcer and eventually leave, I said, ‘No, thanks.’ ” How unreasonable indeed it was of the president of the United States to ask a retired Marine Corps four-star general — during a time of war — to do something hard, particularly at the risk of an upset tummy. “


GyG Response:

****************************** *************************

Ya gotta remember … today’s generals, retired and otherwise, are not of the MacArthur, Patton, Puller, Carlson, LeMay genre. These guys came up in the New America, the “hippy” and “me”generations, educated, socialized, and indoctrinated in the gub-mint schools, socialist msm, Hollyweird, etc., etc. What should one expect??? They talk it up good, and claim that they’re even “better” than the old timers–but it’s all bs, as any of the few remaining real Americans should clearly see.(1984 has come and gone.)


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Monday, May 21, 2007

Amnesty Or Trason? - Vote Or Don’t Vote?

Amnesty Or Trason? - Vote Or Don’t Vote?


For those of you who say that the new immigration bill now pending represents not only amnesty but treason–I agree. And I do not care to waste time arguing whether or not this may be technically correct or not with those who think otherwise.. I fully expect that, like so many previous cases, this bill, regardless of terminology, will become law. Perhaps that is what it will take to wake people up–but will it then be too late; is it now too late?

Providing that Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo will not be a presidential candidate in 2008, I will not vote Republican again. I will vote Libertarian or Constitution Party, etc.

Whether or not what ever candidate I choose has a chance of winning matters not. Today, more than ever, it is time I vote my conscience without regard to the odds of the “game” involved, etc. Further, I may very likely decide not to vote at all. And please don’t bother to advise me that if I don’t vote that I have no right to complain as to the outcome of the election. That is BS, too.

Maybe more people should consider what I have written here. In the event that some others may have interest in my words here, be advised that many have also written and spoken on this topic, and several examples are provided below , lest ye think this is original with me.

Just my own personal outlook on things, folks.


llegitimi non carborundum

Dick Gaines

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ron Paul On Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform in 2006?

by Ron Paul


With the November elections looming, politics is taking priority over sensible policy. It appears congressional leaders have no intention of addressing the issue of illegal immigration this year, preferring not to tackle such a thorny problem for fear of angering voters one way or another.

But this is a mistake. The American people want something done about illegal immigration now – not next year. All sides in the immigration debate agree that the current, "Don't ask, don't tell," policy cannot continue. That's why I am joining several of my colleagues in demanding that the Senate vote this month on a border security bill already passed by the House earlier this year. I truly believe border security is the most important issue for millions of Americans.

Both the Bush administration and congressional leadership have promised to spend the next two months addressing national security issues. But real national security cannot be achieved unless and until our borders are physically secured. It's as simple as that. All the talk about fighting terror and making America safer is meaningless without border security. It makes no sense to seek terrorists abroad if our own front door is left unlocked.

Although the border security bill already passed by the House is a good start, Congress needs to pass broader legislation this year based on the following simple points:

First, physically secure our borders and coastlines. We must have control over who enters our country before we even begin to consider complicated immigration reform proposals.

Second, enforce visa rules on those already in the country. Immigration officials must track visa holders and deport individuals who overstay their visas or otherwise violate U.S. law. This is especially important when we recall that some of the 9/11 terrorists had expired visas.

Third, reject amnesty. If we reward lawbreakers who enter this country illegally with citizenship, then any new laws Congress might pass likewise can be ignored. Reform must begin with a new mentality that immigration laws will be enforced.

Fourth, end welfare-state incentives for illegals. Americans are quick to welcome immigrants who simply wish to work hard and make a better life for themselves. But taxpayers cannot continue to pay when illegal immigrants use hospitals, clinics, schools, roads, and social services.

Fifth, end birthright citizenship. As long as illegal immigrants know their children born here will be citizens, the perverse incentive to sneak into this country remains strong. Citizenship involves more than the mere location of one's birth.

Finally, completely overhaul the legal immigration process. The current system is incoherent and unfair. Legal immigrants from all countries should face the same rules and waiting periods.

If we keep these points in mind, immigration reform does not need to be complicated or expensive. It does, however, need to happen this year.

September 12, 2006

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.

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Ron Paul In The News - Students For Ron - Blog, etc.

Ron Paul In The News - Students For Ron - Blog, etc.


Meet Ron Paul

Ron Paul

Congressman Ron Paul is an independent Republican from the 14th district of Texas. He was a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force and a physician by trade. Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Dr. Paul graduated from Gettysburg College and received his doctorate at Duke University.

Ron Paul has served in Congress for 17 years and is appropriately known as the “Taxpayers’ Best Friend” and the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital. If it is not authorized by the constitution, it is not the responsibility of the federal government. The Founding Fathers would be proud.

Join us in support of Congressman Ron Paul in 2008!


Ron has never voted to raise taxes.
Ron has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
Ron has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

Ron voted against the Patriot Act.
Ron votes against regulating the Internet.
Ron voted against the Iraq war.
Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA.
Ron votes against the United Nations.
Ron votes against the welfare state.
Ron votes against reinstating a military draft.

Ron votes for conservative principles.
Ron votes to cut government spending.
Ron votes to lower healthcare costs.
Ron votes to end the war on drugs.
Ron votes to preserve civil liberties.
Ron votes to secure our borders with real immigration reform.
Ron votes to eliminate tax funded abortions and to overturn Roe v Wade .
Ron votes to protect religious freedom.

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Ron Paul Rocks!

Ron Paul Rocks!

by Karen Kwiatkowski


I am ashamed to admit that I’ve been watching Ron Paul’s recent political acts with fingers and toes crossed, breathless.

Seeing Ron Paul educate Wolf Blitzer earlier this week, after his astoundingly fantastic performance in the second Republican debate, makes me sorry I had lost my faith in the power of truth, the power of courage. I’m sorry that I didn’t believe in possibility that a serious person in the American political arena would commit that most radical act of speaking truth to power.

And in doing it, not only survive, but thrive!

A famous Orwell quote captures what is happening. "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." And while many have been working to prepare ground for truth and freedom in this country, I think we will note that the first shots in this revolution have been fired by Ron Paul.

Orwell had glimpsed what would become the modern political state, globally engaged in endless wars, fighting shadowy enemies who constantly change, because they never really mattered anyway. What mattered, and what still matters, is war, with its handmaidens Fear and Public Amnesia. Without fear and amnesia, holding on to domestic political power in the American neoconservative oligarchy becomes risky, uncertain.

Ron Paul is speaking truth to the whole world, with patience and patriotism flowing in equally generous portions. Like the young David, he is received by the dogs of war with sneers, self-important snarling, threatening stares. Like David, he seems almost unarmed and even unprepared for the great battle to come. But like David, he is unafraid. Like David, he understands what he believes in and knows it to be consistent with all that is good and just.

On the other hand, his political opponents, in both parties, do not truly believe in what they are saying. The neoconservative evangelical Republican Party seeks the 2008 presidency and the neoconservative socialist Democratic Party seeks the 2008 presidency. It isn’t because they believe in something – instead, they seek to access domestic power and maintain the status quo – an enriching and profitable status quo for people and organizations in power, I might add.

I’m not just saying this because I am excited about Ron Paul’s candidacy and the possibility of his presidency. Recall if you will, the first Republican debate, when the candidates were asked about National ID cards. Some of the other candidates began to respond, clonelike, each confusing the national ID card with some vague undeveloped ideas they have about security for the country. Their reptilian brains were drumming "Security, Security, Must Look Good on Security."

Then Ron Paul gets to answer the national ID card question. It is unnecessary and would have little to nothing to offer in terms of national security. Oh, and then he firmly rejected it. Like a real man!

Immediately, the candidates – even some who had already spoken, rushed and stumbled to agree or at a minimum, move toward the Ron Paul position. I recall Guiliani saying something like he would only have a national ID card for aliens. Huh? My mother says if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Let me then say this: Rudy Guiliani has the biggest reptilian brain of all the candidates.

Ron Paul offers real change, and a real way ahead for America that includes not just an embrace of the original constitutional outline of small government, but something we can really partake of each day – free economics, free speech, free will. Further, Ron Paul promises something that is valuable and precious to Americans who belong to a political party – any political party. Ron Paul offers a chance to share a real sense of our country as glorious and honorable, a joyful, fearless land of opportunity and of peace.

Because make no mistake, the United States has not been glorious and wonderful, and certainly not free and peaceful, for many decades.

I am excited about Ron Paul and his campaign. I have ritualistically voted since 1978, usually as a Republican, later as a libertarian, and last fall I voted for Virginia Senator Jim Webb, a Democrat. I’ll ritualistically vote for Ron Paul in 2008, if I can. But far more than that, I am pleased to be humbled by each new day of the Ron Paul campaign – to witness the raw power of ideas and debate – after such a long hiatus of ideas and debate from the American political game.

The Greek concept of happiness, eudaimonia, keeps coming to mind whenever I think of Ron Paul as President. It is about faithful and right action, not human exultation or social extremes. It is about the happy and fulfilling marriage of knowledge and virtue. It is about reality over fantasy, faith over existentialism, doing good over doing evil.

In other words, Ron Paul rocks!

May 19, 2007

LRC columnist Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. [send her mail], a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, has written on defense issues with a libertarian perspective for, hosted the call-in radio show American Forum, and blogs occasionally for and Liberty and Power. Archives of her American Forum radio program can be accessed here and here. To receive automatic announcements of new articles, click here.

Copyright © 2007 Karen Kwiatkowski

Karen Kwiatkowski Archives

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Friday, May 18, 2007



By Cliff Kincaid

May 18, 2007

In a desperate attempt to make Rudy Giuliani out to be the hero of Tuesday night's debate, Fox News is continuing to attack Texas Congressman Ron Paul for something he did not say. In the latest installment of this campaign, John Gibson of Fox News says that Paul "suggested that the U.S. actually had a hand in the [9/11] terrorist attacks." No, what he said was that U.S. foreign policy was a reason why Osama bin Laden attacked America. This is a fact.

Gibson's comment shows how Fox News has been eager to slant the news in favor of Giuliani, who claimed in his famous response to Paul that the congressman had said that the U.S. "invited" the 9/11 attacks. That was false, too.

Some would say that Ron Paul's foreign policy views, in this day and age, are somewhat naïve. But Giuliani's assault, assisted by Fox News, which co-sponsored the debate, goes so far over the line that an honest media watchdog has to say something. Gibson, trying to make Paul's comments about 9/11 into "The Big Outrage," claimed that he was a member of the 9/11 truth movement, the group that claims the terrorist attacks were orchestrated by some kind of secret cabal of U.S. officials. He compared Paul to Rosie O'Donnell, who suggested 9/11 was an inside job.

I have written extensively about this movement, rebutting their contentions and complaining about their claims being picked up by hate-America media such as Al-Jazeera. But this is not what Paul was saying during the debate. His point was that the U.S. has been deeply involved in the Middle East for decades and that Islamists have reacted with violence and terrorism. Indeed, bin Laden mentioned it in his 1996 declaration against America. Paul was correct to say this is considered "blowback" by the intelligence community and that the role of U.S. foreign policy in the attacks was mentioned in the 9/11 commission report.

Is this such a big revelation? The Islamists, after all, did not attack us for nothing. Indeed, we have been under attack by Islamic radicals for decades. Is it such a big surprise to hear somebody say that the 9/11 attacks were linked to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East?

Ron Paul is not denying that the Islamists were responsible for 9/11 and should be hunted down and held responsible. He is only talking about their motives. Other factors, of course, include the nature of their brand of fanatical Islam.

Ron Paul is being viciously attacked over this issue because some people don't want to consider the implications, which Paul is honest enough from his perspective to spell out. These implications are that the U.S. should withdraw from the region, supposedly to spare the U.S. from any further attacks. That is the Ron Paul approach, and he claims it is what President Reagan would do. It may be naïve to some, but he cites Reagan's withdrawal of U.S. troops from Lebanon after 241 of them were murdered in a suicide bombing. He thinks no good can come from U.S. involvement in such an irrational part of the world.....



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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hmmm...Something About That Debate, Ron Paul, Jewel-iani, and FoxNews???

Hmmm...Something About That Debate, Ron Paul, Jewel-iani, and FoxNews???

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Friday, May 11, 2007


"...Wartime PC danger
E-mails from U.S. military officers in Iraq and Afghanistan have exposed an alarming, politically correct practice that is endangering the lives of troops serving in those conflict zones.
According to the officers, U.S. troops are being forced to carry unloaded weapons on most U.S. bases because commanders are more worried about a "negligent" discharge than the very real likelihood of a terrorist attack by an insider on the base. The rule is all the more disconcerting because these troops are in areas where they receive combat pay.
Defense officials say the fear of "negligent" weapon discharge is due to lack of training and is different from concerns about accidental discharge, which involves a mechanical malfunction that rarely occurs.
"This selection of political correctness and safety concerns over force protection contrasts markedly with combat experience in World War II, Korea or Vietnam, where soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines were required to be armed — with loaded weapons — at all times," one official said.
"This is a gross failure of leadership, and in all likelihood has contributed to the U.S. casualty rate," the official said. ..."

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