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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ron Paul: Something unprecedented is happening
Ron Paul: Something unprecedented is happening
“Jim Condit Jr.” am
to Subscriber
date Oct 22, 2007 11:09 AM
subject {NA} Ron Paul and US can win this Thing
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October 22, 2007 NA (Network America) e-wire
Ron Paul - and US - can win this Thing
Something unprecedented is happening.
The Big TV Networks and other related Big Media (like the near monopoly of Clear Channel Radio which owns almost all 50,000 watt talk radio stations) - are beginning to quake and totter under the assault of the “peasants with pitchforks”, and all the “new blood” that has rallied to the “Ron Paul Revolution” — using the internet, and other “New Media”.
There is still a definite and deliberate program to censor Ron Paul at the big “public airwave” (as opposed to cable) TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC).
Yesterday, Sunday October 22, 2007, neither George “that won’t happen” Stephanopolous and his crew on ABC’s “This Sunday”, — nor Tim Russert and his guests on “Meet the Press” - let the words “Ron Paul” slip out of their mouths during each respective nationally televised one hour program.
To express some proper and righteous anger about this continued and brutal and anti-American censorship of Ron Paul and his supporters by the Big TV Networks, — allow me to quote that one Scottish peasant in Braveheart at the beginning of the first battle: “B@$&@#D$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” - screamed at the top of his lungs.
Utter phonies, like the proven and admitted plagiarist, Dorothy Kearns Goodwin, (she who has spent her more than pathetic life trying to turn Super-Traitors and War Criminals Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson - into sympathetic figures. !!!!) were on hand to do their assigned job.
And that job is try and wax eloquent and gush over the dreary and dreadful Presidential candidates whom the top Neo-Con Ruling Elites have chosen to show-case and publicize in Presidential Campaign 2008.
Russert, Goodwin, Laura Ingraham (it’s better to be a blond bimbo than actually realize you’re a de facto traitor to your country), George Will (puke!), Kate O’Beirne - and the rest of these “respected pundits” — were not today, nor are ever — referees in the public arena - as they so desperately want you to believe.
They are the evil verbal minstrels of the Neo-Con New World Order tyranny team. YOU AND I are supposed to believe that they are “the press.” LIARS! They are NOT!
They are part of the same, as it were, corporation as the publicized Democratic and Republican so-called “front runners.” The CFR and the Bilderburgers and AIPAC - are like the corporate board. And now these so called “front runners” - are all auditioning to try and get chosen as corporation President. To get “chosen”, these Puppet-candidates need the subtle nod from the 5 Big TV Networks, including the untold billions in illegal in-kind campaign contributions given the Hillary-Rudy-type-Puppets - in the form of daily FREE publicity. And -
And the Chosen Puppet candidate for President — will need the SECRET computer count to be rigged in the “Chosen Puppet’s” favor by Diebold and the three other computer companies (that still count 96% of the American people’s vote in secre) - if the Big TV Network propaganda (disguised as news and analysis) doesn’t work as well as the Ruling Elite hopes it will. As you will see below, we have filed a National Clean Elections Lawsuit to try and rid the USA of this secret computerized count (made for rigging) before the first primary begins. Stay tuned.
And these lying deceivers working for ABC, CBS, and NBC are ALSO employed by the same Neo-CON corporation (to continue this analogy) - and their job is to do a public relations job to make US think that WE are choosing Hillary and Rudi Ghouliani to lead the country. It’s all a lie.
Thanks to “The Honor of Ron Paul” (to borrow an article title from the incomparable columnist Joe Sobran) and the burgeoning Ron Paul supporters, and the internet - for the first time since the dawn of the radio and television age - the Ruling elites’ Big Media is in the process of losing its credibility. BUT NOW -
But now, we must not fall for the FALSEHOOD that the owners of the Big TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX) - all run out of 20 or so city blocks in New York City, and all run by the war-mongering Neo-Cons - we must not fall for the lie that these Big Media outlets are getting a twinge of honesty or fair-play just because they are beginning to give a LITTLE grudging coverage to Ron Paul.
NO! These Big Media entities constitute the GREATEST ENEMY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has ever known! All of the key controllers of these five TV Networks, and their key paid mouthpieces should be indicted, arrested, perp-walked, tried, convicted - and punished to the fullest extent of the law — as provided for in the US Constitution.
These Big Media moguls and mouthpieces ARE the domestic enemies that we were warned would come. And we were warned by the very promulgators of the Constitution itself.
To get an understanding of exactly WHO the Neo-Cons, ( the domestic enemies) are, take a good look at all Skull & Bones / CFR / Bilderberg / Bush / Clinton connections on the one hand - and AIPAC and its allies on the other (see “The High Priests of War” by Michael Collins Piper, and the recently published “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy” by Professor Walt of Harvard and Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago).
And those highly paid “mouthpieces” who need to be perp-walked on the way to justice include Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Michael Weiner “Savage”, Larry King, and so on. Then future career-climbers will not that you don’t accept millions of dollars in return for helping to sell the American people World War III abroad, and a police state here at home, as well as the end of United States as a sovereign country via the North American Union and the United Nations.
Today on “Meet the Press” they threw up the percentages gotten by the Republican candidates at the highly controlled, and highly disgraceful so-called “Values” gathering down in Florida over the weekend (disgraceful because James Dobson and the rest of them are primarily Neo-Con tools, not patriotic Americans, not matter how stupid they are). And guess who was missing? Ron Paul. All the other dreadful GOP candidates were shown on the screen with their percentage - but Ron Paul’s name was not mentioned. I have it on TAPE.
Along these same lines, I got a call two weeks ago from one of the HONEST talk show hosts (who, of course, is on a minor AM station) who hosts his own talk program in the South.
He told me that a very reliable and credible regular caller had called him a few hours earlier to tell him that he had just got a call from a polling operation.
The man taking the poll asked this gentleman whom he supported for the Republican Presidential primary. He read down a list of all the GOP candidates - except one. Ron Paul was left out! The man asked why Ron Paul wasn’t mentioned. The caller (probably a college student or a paid worker at a telemarketing company) pleasantly told the man that Ron Paul was not on the list given to him. The person being pollsed asked WHO was paying for the poll. The poller told the man — that they at the company are never told who is paying them to take the poll.
AND - on Hannity and Colmes last night after the October 21, 2007 debate in Floriday - Ron Paul CALLED OUT THE BIG MEDIA on this blatant and unconscionable DISHONESTY. Of course, he did it in his reliably gentlemanly manner.
You see, Ron Paul again won the controlled text poll which followed last night’s debate in Florida - by a landslide - AGAIN. Alan Colmes asked Ron Paul why he wins the online polls by wide margins - but doesn’t show up in the “official” polls.
Ron Paul said (paraphrase): “My name has not been tested in those polls.” WHHOOOOOAAAAAA! Take that, crumbling Big Media!
The Big TV networks are only now beginning to mention Ron Paul because they are being HAMMERED on an hourly basis by normal Americans via email, phone, letter, and IN PERSON confrontations.
Sean Hannity told Ron Paul that everywhere he goes out to speak now - he is confronted by chanting and sign waving Ron Paul supporters. Paul, playing the situation with subtle humor, smiled like it was a mutual victory for himself and Hannity, and gently said with a jovial tone, “That’s great.”
All of the dreadful puppets have collapsed. The public sees through them.
Even talk show host Laura Ingraham announced on Meet the Press that Fred Thompson had “underwhelmed” the crowd at the values convention; that they wanted to like him, but that he doesn’t seem to have the fire. His true record has been exposed anyway - and it’s NOT GOOD. And he’s CFR member.
Romney is exposed as a hopeless flip-flopper - and he looks like the ultimate corporate slickster.
McCain - has sold his sole to the Ruling Elite on many fronts, and too many people know it.
Brownback - another “Front Runner” who has dropped out.
Huckabee - they are trying to pump him up into a believable popular front-runner, but the dogs aren’t eating that dog food.
Ghouliani - a total mirage. The guy has $16 million in Ruling Elite money, but can’t even come out in public. He has no real supporters, which is why he dropped out of the Iowa Straw Poll, and is talking about dropping out of the Iowa Caucus. He can’t go out in public without being confronted by 9-11 truthers about his role in covering up the evidence and destroying the crime scene about what really happened during the 9-11 terror attacks.
Hillary and Obama - they’ve killed all grassroots enthusiasm by both announcing in the last Democratic Debate that each, if (s)elected President, would keep the troops in Iraq at least through 2013. (!!!) These are the anti-war candidates??
And that leaves Ron Paul with millions of enthusiastic supporters, $5 million cash on hand and counting, and a string of landslide victories in the OPENLY COUNTED straw polls and in the scientifically conducted text polls and email polls (no cell phone or computer can vote more than once).
And, so, under the circumstances, what is a crooked Big Media to do??
The late Jim Collier, author of “Votescam: The Stealing of America”, used to say that they can get away with anything, as long as it’s BELIEVABLE.
The FIRST goal of the Big Media is to KEEP their credibility with the American people - even if they have to make some major concessions for a while. They want to keep their credibility with the majority of the least informed Americans - so they can FOOL THEM AGAIN, as soon as possible.
We are now, as if, in 1916 Russia. The Neo-Cons of that day, hiding behind the mask of “Communism”, were about to spring the traps they had carefully laid over 30 years, with several failures along the way, to knock out the rule of the Christian Romanovs - which had at that point lasted 500 years. The deaths of millions of Russians followed shortly thereafter.
RIGHT NOW, the same crowd, hiding behind the masks of Neo-Cons, Democrats and Republicans (on the national level) - are trying to get their ducks in order to end 231 years of the American Republic, in favor of their North American Union, and then their hoped-for New World Order Tyranny.
Thankfully, occasionally, because things are getting touchy, they can not afford to hide behind dunces like W. Bush or opportunists like Bill Clinton anymore, and they must put one of their own right out in front of us, as is the case with SUPER-TRAITOR Michael Chertoff, who is head of “our” Homeland Security. (HA!)
These moral devils pushing the New World Order Tyranny are not planning to give up their control of trillions of dollars, the levers of power in the USA, and, right now, effective control of the US military.
And we, normal Americans, must be MORE determined that we will not let them get away with it, no matter what it takes.
And the POSITIVE PLANS are in motion right now. Here they are:
1. The Ron Paul for President candidacy. I say Ron Paul “candidacy” instead of Ron Paul campaign, because Ron Paul and his family are unquestionably true blue, and have proven themselves over 30 years.
The same happy and unqualified endorsement cannot be said all of the Ron Paul national paid staff. There are bad apples in the national campaign staff.
One of the malefactors is definitely Jesse Benton, national press secretary, who is still standing behind the MONSTROUS FALSEHOOD that everything at the Iowa Straw Poll was “done pretty much in the open.” —- In fact, the truth is that every vote at the Iowa Straw Poll was brutally HIDDEN from the people, and remains hidden to this day. And there is no question in the world that Jesse Benton knew that at least 3 days before the Iowa Straw Poll.
That important Iowa Straw Poll, cited again today on the Sunday Morning shows as the reason Huckabee is a “credible contender”, — was “counted” on the discredited Diebold computers - the computers which are in existence so that elections can be rigged at key moments against pro-American candidates like Ron Paul.
And the fact that the thugs and crooks running the Iowa GOP hid all the ballots from the public and press - that’s A-OK with Jesse Benton, who is STILL on record saying that “everything was done pretty much in the open. That is a LIE. I don’t pass over lying by W. Bush. I don’t pass over lying by Bill or Hillary Clinton. And I’m certainly not going to pass over a LIE by the likes of Jesse Benton, whoever he is, whoever foisted him off on the campaign, and wherever he came from.
As you will recall, in SHARP contrast to the openly counted straw polls and the scientifically counted text and email polls, Dr. Paul got only 9% at the secretly counted Iowa Straw Poll– a miserable “showing” that the Neo-Con media is STILL using against him. And Jesse Benton is on record as saying the hiding of the ballots in Iowa was “pretty much in the open”, and that Dr. Paul’s showing of 9% was a “good showing.”
Jesse Benton is also the campaign official, reliable people have been told, that has held back spending any money on radio and TV ads in New Hampshire until last week - even though most New Hampshire voters have still not even heard of Ron Paul —- thanks to the Big TV censorship of Paul, which the campaign paid staff pretends does not exist. With friends like these, Ron Paul and America does not need any enemies. I say this in hopes the good guys in the national paid staff will go to Dr. Paul and get the malefactors or hopeless incompetents - FIRED immediately.
The continued employment of Jesse Benton by the Ron Paul national staff bespeaks problems at a HIGHER LEVEL in the campaign paid staff.
An entire Network America e-wire is coming out any day lining up the evidence for this, so that some radical surgery can hopefully be done soon to remove the cancer from the Ron Paul paid staff, before it is too late.
In any case, the RON PAUL CANDIDACY, despite bad apples like Benton, is the foremost publicly visible positive program going. For instance, all of us who can — should donate $100 to the Ron Paul campaign on November 5, 2007. There is a move afoot to get 100,000 of Ron Pauls’ 150,000 donors to pitch in another $100 each on that day.
This would raise $10 million in one day - and would put Ron Paul just about ahead of ALL the other candidates as far as money on hand. This would mean that the normal Americans - with an average donation of $40 each so far to the Ron Paul Campaign - would surpass all those big chunks of cash which come in at $10,000 (4 family members x $2300) at a time to the Rudy, Hillary, Thompson, etc. campaigns. In other word, Main Street would start defeating Wall Street at the campaign funding game.
2. Taking back the nation, county by county, and state by state - through the Precinct Movement. I can’t explain that program in this e-wire, but go to - and sign up. We need at least 50,000 normal Americans to get involved with the Precinct Strategy in the weeks ahead, and attend their county GOP organizational meeting early in 2008 (yes, one happens every two years in most counties - the Party Bosses just don’t want you to know about it.) This goal of 50,000+ patriots running for their precinct position in the GOP — is a very realistic goal, — and would cause emergency meetings amongst the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, etc. in New York, London, and Washington D.C. They KNOW how important the precinct system is to running this country - but normal Americans, as of yet, does not.
3. The National Clean Elections Lawsuit. This has been filed to restore open, constitutional voting to US citizens. Hand marked ballots, hand counted ballots, machine free and computer free elections.
If we let Diebold and the Neo-Cons count 96% of our votes in the USA in secret again in 2007 and 2008 - then WE DESERVE TO BE SLAVES. Do you hear me? We DESERVE TO BE SLAVES IF WE ALLOW THAT AGAIN. See - and the link at the top of dealing with the National Clean Elections Lawsuit, By the way, this lawsuit must be heard, by law, before the first GOP primary contest is held.
4. The Iowa and New Hampshire Vote Count WATCH program - to be done by normal Americans on the night of the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary. Most of the votes in the Iowa Caucus and 50% of the votes in New Hampshire are counted in the open where we can watch with our own eyes, — but we must be at the counting places to WATCH the count, and immediately post the REAL COUNT on our own website for that purpose.
As many of you know, on February 12, 1996 the Iowa state GOP leadership (as opposed to the county GOP leadership in Iowa, which performed honestly) conspired with Voter News Service (owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and AP wire; in 1998 FOX joined these sinister owners, and their creature Voter News Service, in 2002, like a mafiosa company trying to avoid detection, changed its name to National Election Pool) - anyway, these sinister forces joined up to steal 13% of Pat Buchanan’s vote in Dubuque County, and undoubtedly steal the entire Iowa Caucus from Buchanan and his supporters that year, — in favor of the near-cadaver bell-hop for the Fortune 500, the GOP establishment backed Bob Dole. The entire story is in the article “A House Without Doors” linked at the home page of -
We can’t let a similar vote theft happen in 2007 / 2008 to Ron Paul - so we MUST have the citizen poll watchers in New Hampshire and Iowa! See - for that program.
5. The all important Voter Affidavit program.
We hope the Courts are not going to absurdly and unconstitutionally rule that it is OK for our own Boards of Election, with the approval of the 50 Secretaries of State, to HIDE THE BALLOTS from us citizens on election day and election night. Such a ruling would be in SHARP CONTRADICTON to the US Supreme Court Rulings of 1964 and 1916. BUT -
But, if the courts do not rule that we US citizens MUST be afforded our constitutional right - AN OPEN COUNT in which the ballots / ballot box never leave the public custody or sight until the ballots are publicly counted and the results posted - then we have a back up program. Go to - and read about the VOTER AFFIDAVIT program linked on the home page. We will each download and affidavit - and then after we vote, fill it in and send it to the specified place, so we can double-check the computerized count, is such “hide the ballots” systems are still being used.
Yes, we can win with Ron Paul in 2008 - IF we continue to use the internet and FORCE some reasonable coverage on the 5 Big TV Networks through sheer force of number - AND if we can get all ballots counted in the open, instead of IN SECRET, behind police guard, where the people cannot see what is happening in the count.
Finally, the one very important POSTIIVE PROGRAM I did not mention above: our Censorship-Busting Congressional radio ad campaign to get the awareness of these POSTIVE PROGRAMS to the public, especially in NH and Iowa right away.
Only a preliminary video is up, but it’s still worth seeing - at - After watching it, if you can - help us start getting the funds to run these radio ads and alert millions going to and from work everyday via Big Talk Radio stations. To repeat, especially we need to reach the people in NH and Iowa NOW.
You can donate to help us run these ads to promote all these positive programs at the link to my congressional campaign for 2008 on, which is found above and below the short 3:52 length video, or - if you don’t want to make a political donation - email to our educational fund using Paypal to Network America at -
or mail to to PO Box 11555, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 for the “Jim Condit Jr. for Congress 2008″ campaign, or PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 for the “Network America” educational fund. Thanks in advance.
Jim Condit Jr.
Network America e-wire service
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.”
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