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Saturday, December 13, 2008
I have stated in previous articles that I believe we are currently under a passive state of Martial Law, which began when "mandatory volunteerism" became the mantra for the greater good in our "communities." I've asked this question before, and I repeat if for your consideration: what is the difference between mandatory civilian labor, as so described in Executive Orders pertaining to Martial Law, and mandatory volunteerism? The only difference, I believe, is the lack of military enforcement on our streets. But, are our streets without military enforcement? What about the swat teams raiding private homes, food co-ops, and other "community" residences and organizations? Why the cross-training between military and local law enforcement agencies? Why the private military corporations on homeland soil? What's with the tasering of "community" members? What's with the shooting of family pets?
By Nancy Levant
December 13, 2008
The concept of the greater good, created by think tanks and spewed by generations of politicians, provided the impetus for the usurpation of our Constitution. The greater good is a strategically scripted morality campaign and code to force-manipulate American people into accepting total social, military, and technological controls. The greater good is the reason why we are "sacrificing" our religions, our homes and private property, our jobs and incomes, our retirements and savings, our automobiles, and most particularly, our ability to have personal opinions.
So what exactly is the greater good? The greater good is a documented and rule-bound social contract which was bound together by the United Nations in a document called Agenda 21. So, here we are, all these years later, and just as so many have warned, we are back to the reality and fruition of Agenda 21.
Here's the greater good in a nutshell:
Religious belief is illegal minus environmental worship, which manipulates us into acceptance of tribal lifestyles – minus, of course, the billionaires. Their lifestyles will remain unaltered, and they will sacrifice nothing whatsoever. We, however, will sacrifice warmth in winter, coolness in summer, driving automobiles, eating meat, gun ownership, all privacy, and any accumulation of money. We will sacrifice home ownership, and privately owned land will be disallowed and illegal. Water will be rationed. Employment will be rationed. Sound familiar?
The greater good also demonstrates itself with paramilitary policing and Executive Orders that define martial law, the taking of your food stores, the splitting up of your family members, your national registration by your local post office officials, the confiscation of your farms and firearms, and removal of rural roads and access, biometric ID cards, and the elimination of your right to mobility. You will move when told to do so. You will stay put when told to do so. Swat teams will mainstream into your "communities." Sound familiar? These are but just a few examples of the greater good, which are now passively operating in your communities – the key word being "passively."
Behind the greater good lies a very powerful incentive called Martial Law, which our elected have been preparing for US for at least six decades. Martial Law is military control at its finest and worst. Martial Law is declared under a state of emergency. The United States is in a declared state of emergency. Martial Law becomes military reality when a president says it's a reality.
I have stated in previous articles that I believe we are currently under a passive state of Martial Law, which began when "mandatory volunteerism" became the mantra for the greater good in our "communities." I've asked this question before, and I repeat if for your consideration: what is the difference between mandatory civilian labor, as so described in Executive Orders pertaining to Martial Law, and mandatory volunteerism? The only difference, I believe, is the lack of military enforcement on our streets. But, are our streets without military enforcement? What about the swat teams raiding private homes, food co-ops, and other "community" residences and organizations? Why the cross-training between military and local law enforcement agencies? Why the private military corporations on homeland soil? What's with the tasering of "community" members? What's with the shooting of family pets?
The greater good seems to come with paramilitary might. So, I ask you, ladies and gentlemen, where is America the Beautiful, and is this how you want to live? I suggest you be careful about how you answer that question. You best read Agenda 21, which is the greater good behavioral blueprint for your new and force-perfected world. Your personal opinions, which may differ from the greater good, leave heavily illegal footprints in a world under new government and siege, which appears to be much less than passive. The greater good is mandatory, and you need to understand your mandatory codes of conduct. Oh, and by the way, your new codes of conduct are all dolled up in environmentalism. Agenda 21 tells you that your new "community" behaviors will save Earth from total destruction due to your heavy and illegal personal opinion footprints, which is why you needed a behavioral code of conduct book for the greater good. Agenda 21 also tells you that owning private property simply cannot be, and that only government can morally own property.
Now, as our newly elected globalist leaders are ready to lead us into the greater good, let us be ready, as well. Take your volunteer posts, smile; be prepared to turn in your polluting and constitutional neighbors – especially the ones that own cows and horses that pass gas – and partner with a governing organization. I hear tell that hungry and unemployed families are currently turning in their guns in exchange for food in some cities – using such greater good programs that were set up to help the hungry and unemployed. After all, the Second Amendment is certainly not for the greater good unless, of course, you're a paramilitary man.
Your Agenda 21 rule book can be found at the United Nations website or on I strongly suggest that you read how and why you must become a greater gooder. Actually, you have no opinion-option.
© 2008 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserve
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Nancy Levant is a renowned writer for Constitutional governance and American culture. She is the author of The Cultural Devastation of American Women: The Strange and Frightening Decline of the American Female (and her dreadful timing).
She is an opponent of deceptive governance and politicians, global governance by deception, political feminism, the public school system, political economics based upon manufactured wars and their corporate benefactors, and the Federal Reserve System. She is also a nationwide and lively radio personality. To book an engagement with Nancy Levant, send an email request to:
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"I cannot understand why the federal government is so intent on using such military force within our borders. It reminds me of the Branch Davidian massacre in Waco, Texas when the feds used excessive deadly force against men, women and children. And they used that deadly physical force based on false information," warns former NYPD detective and US Marine Sid Francis.
By By NWV News Director, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
December 13, 2008
[ participated in a press conference (teleconference) held by officials from the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) on December 11.]
"The liberal-left would love to see federal troops cracking down on American citizens while allowing terrorists, illegal aliens and criminals to rule the streets of our cities and towns," accuses Baker.
The first active-duty unit dedicated to supporting US civilian authorities in the event of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack is wrapping up three days of intensive training in tactics to be used within the continental United States, according to Armed Forces Press Service representative Donna Miles.
Ms. Miles reported to news reporters, bloggers and Internet journalists that troops from the 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team are at the Naval facility located in Indian Head, Maryland getting hands-on training in skills they would depend on to provide support during a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive incident, known here as a CBRNE.
The "Rock of the Marne" division, which returned to Fort Stewart, Ga., in early spring from its third deployment to Iraq, was designated Oct. 1 as part of the CBRNE Consequence Management Force. The force includes various military assets assigned to US Northern Command that could be called on to respond to a natural or manmade disaster.
However, not everyone is happy about this latest military development coming so close to the transition from the Bush White House to the Obama Administration. Some observers believe this plan is part of a deal between President-Elect Barack Obama and the current Secretary of Defense who will remain in his current position even after the Bush-Obama transition.
"While Obama and his team are making it sound as if they will use the military in a non-combative roll, part of the training being conducted is in urban warfare," claims political strategist Mike Baker.
"Obama appears oblivious to Posse Comitatus and to the US Constitution when it comes to using the military against civilians within US borders," he added.
The division will conduct the mission for a year, rotating its six divisions through escalating readiness levels, explained Army Col. Roger Cloutier, who commands the 1st Brigade "Raiders." After that, the mission will pass to other Army brigade combat teams, Pentagon officials told
If first responders found themselves short of manpower or equipment in a disaster, they could tap into the team through US Northern Command and Joint Task Force Civil Support.
About 200 of Cloutier's soldiers came this week to learn the ropes in a realistic setting from the experts: the Marine Corps Chemical Biological Incident Response Force. The Marines stood up the unit in 1996 in response to a subway sarin gas attack in Tokyo. Today, it remains the only active-duty element that trains daily in CBRNE consequence management.
The training realism began before the soldiers ever reached the Indian Head facility. They received a no-notice alert at 4:30 a.m. Dec. 8 and deployed just over 24 hours later from Hunter Army Airfield with four aircraft, about 15 vehicles and other equipment and gear.
Exercises at The Marines' Raymond M. Downey Sr. Responder Training Facility gave the soldiers insight into the conditions and challenges they likely would face if called to help rescue victims and provide temporary life support during a disaster.
"This is as realistic as I imagine it can get," said Army Lt. Col. Joel Hamilton as two of his soldiers burst from a smoke-filled building carrying the mannequin they had searched through the dark to locate. "My soldiers are being stressed with some very realistic scenarios."
Hamilton, who commands the 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, looked on as the soldiers navigated under and through "collapsed" structures and walls and felt their way through dark, smoke-filled buildings and confined spaces to search for survivors.
Working in buddy teams, they inched through spaces as tight as two feet by two feet, wearing blacked-out gas masks that offered zero visibility. They yelled directions to the man behind them, their voices rising over rap music the Marines had cranked up to further confuse the situation.
As the soldiers moved, each maintained at least three points of contact on the floors and walls at all times to keep from getting disoriented. "This is all by feel and communication," Hamilton said.
At another station, the soldiers practiced the techniques to lift seemingly unmovable 17,000-pound concrete beams to reach people trapped beneath. Meanwhile, other soldiers tried their hand at using the "jaws of life" and other equipment to free passengers "trapped" in their vehicles.
The Marines focused on their own safety throughout the training, emphasizing how quickly first responders can become victims themselves. "We don't want to be the rescuers who need rescuing," said Staff Sgt. Ray Johnstone, an M109 Palladin crew chief.
"It's all about teamwork," he said. "Teamwork is what gets the job done safely and effectively. And it's what we're doing here."
While military experts are excited about this use of soldiers within the borders of the United States, many police commanders and officers are less enthusiastic.
"I cannot understand why the federal government is so intent on using such military force within our borders. It reminds me of the Branch Davidian massacre in Waco, Texas when the feds used excessive deadly force against men, women and children. And they used that deadly physical force based on false information," warns former NYPD detective and US Marine Sid Francis.
"While I've served in the military and continue as a reservist, as a [New Jersey] cop I'm troubled about the use of federal troops coming into our communities during any emergencies," said Detective Lieutenant Stephan Rodgers
The Pentagon credited teamwork the brigade built during 15 months in Iraq's Anbar province with giving its soldiers a leg up on their new mission. Junior leaders developed critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, and soldiers learned how to interact with other coalition forces as well as Iraqi military and local government leaders.
And just as they understood in Iraq that they were supporting Iraqi army and police forces, they understand that if called to respond to a CBRNE incident, they'll support state and local authorities, Cloutier said.
"We understand our role, and the fact that we are not in charge," he said. "We are here to help and to find out, 'What do you need?'
The biggest strength his unit would bring to the mission, Cloutier said, is "4,000 soldiers with a can-do attitude who are here to help."
"I'm pretty excited that we have the utilities to go out and help people," he said. "This is more of the stuff I joined the Army for."
With 10 years in the Army, and a long string of deployments under his belt -- to Kosovo, Afghanistan and three to Iraq -- Johnstone called the CBRNE mission a welcome opportunity to serve his own countrymen.
"We're ecstatic about it," he said of the mission. "This is something new and different. It's about actively saving lives," he said. "Hopefully we never have to get the call to do it. But if we get that call, we are ready."
"No one questions the patriotism of these soldiers. I believe using them is merely a temporary tactic by a President Obama. His true goal is the creation of a 'security force' that is directly under his control and easily deployed within the United States," warns Baker.
"During the Katrina hurricane and flood in New Orleans, the left-wing journalists painted a picture of corrupt and cowardly local police while calling for more federal law enforcement and agency response," he said.
"The liberal-left would love to see federal troops cracking down on American citizens while allowing terrorists, illegal aliens and criminals to rule the streets of our cities and towns," accuses Baker.
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