Stay tuned right here in The "G" Spot-Light, folks. Coming up, as usual, will be more thought-provoking, eye-opening, unusual, controversial and interesting topics for your attention and consideration. OPEN 24/7 w/1 hand tied behind my back, just to make it fair and balanced. EIB: Excellence In Blogs by GyG
Friday, October 10, 2008
Was Barack Obama Planted? From J. Hansen
Was Barack Obama Planted?
From J. Hansen
This is long, but very important and worth the time to read it.
This election has me very worried. So many things to consider.
I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must say this drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News, you might get some middle ground to work with. About six months ago, I started thinking— “where did the money come from for Obama”. I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middle class, and money was tight. We (including my girls) worked hard and there were lots of student loans.
I started looking into Obama’s life.
Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California. He is very open about his two years at Occidental; he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.
“Barry” (that was the name he used all his life) during this time had two roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan.
During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made a “round the world” trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s family.
My question - Where did he get the money for this trip? Nether I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they where in college. When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York. It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack - not Barry.
Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia? It’s not cheap! to say the least. Where did he get money for tuition? Student Loans? Maybe. After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year. Why Chicago? Why not New York? He was already living in New York.
By “chance” he met Antoin “Tony” Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago. Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year. Rezko, was named “Entrepreneur of the Decade” by the Arab-American Business and Professional Association”.
About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School. Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School? Where did he get the money for Law School? More student loans? After Law school, he went back to Chicago. Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down. But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what? They represented “Rezar” which is Rezko’s firm. Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago. In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with “seed money” for his U.S. Senate race.
In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price). With ALL those Student Loans - Where did he get the money for the property? On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price. The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased. Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.
Now, we have Obama running for President. Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss. She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her first. Where was Jarrett born? Ready for this? Shiraz, Iran. Do we see a pattern here? Or, am I going crazy?
On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley advisor to Obama was “sacked” after the press found out he was having regular contacts with “Hamas “, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran. This past week, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama’s visit to Iraq, he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will “Take care of things”.
Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that where born in Pakistan? They are in charge of all those “small” Internet campaign contributions for Obama. Where is that money coming from? The poor and middle class in this country? Or could it be from the Middle East?
And the final bit of news. On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on “This Week” with George Stephanapoulos. Obama on talking about his religion said, “My Muslim faith”. When questioned, “he made a mistake”. Some mistake!
All of the above information I got on line. If you would like to check it - Wikipedia, encyclopedia, Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie Jarrett: Daily Times - Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times - September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.
Now the BIG question - If I found out all this information on my own, why haven’t all of our “intelligent” members of the press been reporting this?
A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear - “Beware of the enemy from within.”
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
By Alan Stang
October 8, 2008
[Announcement: Did you know Alan Stang has a new radio show? Click here for details.]
I pledge allegiance to Goldman Sachs, and to the conspiracy for which it stands, one racket under Paulson, Communist and indivisible, with eviction and poverty for all.
The battle of the bailout is over. We lost. Despite the unprecedented opposition, despite everything we did, I doubt that many of my readers and listeners thought we could win. Now we need to analyze what happened, what it means and, most important, where it could take us. We do have some hints.
First, consider that the people of this country have never before expressed such rage, such antipathy to a bill. According to one report, the people were 300 to one against it. One Member of Congress received 15,000 messages about it. Ten were in favor. Another said 95% of the messages he got were opposed. According to one analyst, “the calls to Congress are 50 percent ‘No’ and 50 percent ‘Hell, No.’”
There has not been anything like it in the history of the country. So, the fact that Congress could impose this financial version of the Dresden firebombing in the face of such historic voter opposition – the fact that Congress could in effect spit in your face – is proof that representative government in the country is gone. The vote in Congress expressed the fact that we have government by coup; that the actual purpose of “representation” in Washington is to conceal its absence. Most people now see that.
Second, consider the nature of the opposition. Many bills have faced enormous opposition in Congress, yes. The opposition, however large, came from the group(s) the bill targeted. Here the opposition came from every identifiable group, racial, financial, cultural, sexual, geographical, etc. Indeed, like a natural disaster that cares nothing for the politics of the victims in its path, it left jumbled allegiances and loyalties like piles of wrecked furnishings behind.
For instance, Republican Congressmen Tom Tancredo, enemy of the illegal alien invasion and former candidate for President, along with John Shadegg, who recently responded to pleas from his constituents and decided not to retire, both voted for the coup. Liberal Democrats Loretta Sanchez, who stole “B-1 Bob” Dornan’s seat, and Brad Sherman, who was my Congressman when we lived in the San Fernando Valley, both voted against it.
Along these lines, both Senator B. Hussein Obama and el Senador Juan McCain voted for the coup. Why? Here are the top ten corporate PAC contributors to both candidates:
Communist Candidate A Communist Candidate B
Goldman Sachs $739,521 Merrill Lynch $379,170
UBS AG $419,550 Citigroup Inc. $287,801
Lehman Brothers $391,774 Morgan Stanley $249,377
Citigroup Inc $492,548 Wachovia Corp. $147,456
Morgan Stanley $341,380 Goldman Sachs $220,045
Latham & Watkins $328,879 Lehman Brothers $115,707
Google Inc $487,355 Bear Stearns $108,000
JPMorgan Chase & Co $475,112 JPMorgan Chase $206,392
Sidley Austin LLP $370,916 Bank of America $133,975
Skadden, Arps et al $360,409 Credit Suisse $175,503
Yes, I know that by now regular readers are long since familiar with my tricks, so I admit this is another. Notice that both Communist candidates are properties of the financial beneficiaries of the coup. They both belong to Goldman Sachs, one of them even more so. Which one is that? Paulson sent $739,521 to Senator Hussein, who wouldn’t pick his nose unless Hank approved. What was that you said about “change?”
Senator Chris Dodd, bottom half of the famous “waitress sandwich,” led the coup in the Senate. Congressman Barney Frank led it through the House. Barney is a butt jumper. For years, the butt he jumped belonged to Herb Moses, a top official at Fannie Mae. Was that why Barney kept saying Fannie was fine? Barney was too busy to notice that another faggot was running a buggery business in his apartment. Barney was as “surprised” as anyone when the faeces hit the fan. Both Barney and Chris are supported royally by Wall Street.
The fact that the opposition was so vast and so varied means that millions who knew nothing now know a lot more. What do they know? For the first time, they understand that the Constitution is dead, exactly as late Republican Congressman Henry Hyde and el presidente Jorge W. Boosh have tried to tell us.
The Federal Reserve has been illegal from the instant it was enacted, because the Act gives the money power to the Fed. The Constitution – the law – gives the money power exclusively to Congress. But Congress lacks the power to give away its power. The coup compounds the original crime and makes it worse. Congress has no power to do what it did. This is what Congressman Ron No Such Candidate Paul has been saying. Now do you see what he was talking about? The only real solution is to abolish the Fed.
A corollary of that realization is that crime does pay if it is big enough. That is what you should now be teaching your kids. Sure, holding up a Seven Eleven is risky and stupid. To get into the really big money – safely – go into the rackets: politics or banking. There is no more law. You know something is right, if you can get away with it. If you can’t, it’s wrong.
Now go back to Congressman Brad Sherman. Remember, Brad is no kind of “right wing extremist.” He certainly is not a Republican. Liberal Democrat Sherman says that during the confrontation about the coup in the House, “a few members were even told there would be Martial Law in America if we voted no.” That’s right; that is what Brad Sherman says Madam Peelousy threatened.
What is martial law? It is military rule by decree. No more wasting time with votes; no more stupid voting for the wrong thing. Meanwhile, the Army acknowledges that the Northern Command may call upon the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team to help with “civil unrest and crowd control.” In the horrifying wake of martial law in the South after Lincoln’s Communist War to Destroy the Union, Congress forbade it in the posse comitatus law – and then repealed it under pressure from el presidente Boosh.
Put all that together with the Halliburton concentration camps, completed, equipped, fully staffed, but empty, waiting for millions to concentrate. Who? Probably not illegal aliens, because they are not there. So, if you subtract illegal aliens, you have citizens. Are they the target of the camps? Are they destined to be concentrated? What could we logically expect?
This is what I fear, not – not – not what I want. The coup is not a solution. The fiscal disaster will get worse. As I write, the collapse intensifies. Shortages, crime and chaos will erupt. Pressure to concentrate for our “protection” will intensify. Again, among our population of 300 millions there are millions newly awakened; some of them would decline to be concentrated, decline violently. How many?
I don’t know. A very small percentage. Would you believe maybe one percent? Whew! That’s a relief. Only one percent! Yes, but one percent of 300 million is three million. Three million! Who? Heavily armed re-loaders, professional military, who now know that Paulson and Helicopter Ben Bernanke, chairman of the non Fed non Reserve, are the enemy. What would happen if Peelousy & Company keep pushing?
Yes, I am perfectly aware that the conspiracy for world government, which has nationalized our police, wants a confrontation it can use as an excuse for suppression. That is precisely why I do not, why I always avoid confrontation. But the martial law advocates have put everything they need for the purpose in place. They didn’t do so for practice. The fact that benign Brad Sherman and many others like him are talking like this for the first time apparently means the conspirators intend to go all the way. Martial law is all over the internet. At some point Mr. Push will meet Mr. Shove.
Remember, you are not talking about me. I’m a mere scribbler, a talker. Shirley Temple in her prime could take me down. I don’t know any of the folks we are talking abut, but I do know you are not talking about unarmed, ignorant villagers sitting on their haunches beside a polluted stream with flies on their eyes.
You are talking about millions of the best of the best, guys who can shoot the wings off a gnat at a gazillion yards. You are talking about the deadliest creature that every stalked the earth, the Marine Corps sniper. Yes, he’s retired and a tad thicker in the middle, but he is still deadly and just as mean.
What will happen when the martial law fanatics finally succeed in arousing these folks despite our best efforts? I’m not talking about something organized. The conspirators for world government love organized opposition because they know where to find it. They can infiltrate it and, when ready, destroy it.
No, I’m talking about what the military types call “targets of opportunity,” targets that accidentally, providentially, come into focus or show up, when a vehicle breaks down, for instance, or somebody makes a wrong turn, or there is an accident, or somebody goes out shopping or dining and is recognized.
Let’s hope nobody with one of those 50 caliber sniper rifles that can take out a target at more than a mile does something stupid. Please, guys, don’t do it, however tempting. It’s what the conspirators want. They have no loyalty to their own. They would love it were you to give them an excuse to impose national lockdown by blowing Bernanke’s slimy head off, or parking one in Hank’s heinie.
And just in case you think this whole thing is a joke; as I write, word arrives from New York that a “disgruntled employee” has knocked former Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld cold in the Lehman gym. Fuld left his job with the usual multimillions. Banking and politics! What great rackets! The more you fail, the bigger your rewards. Is Fascism a great system or what?
Ben! Hank! Rednecks are everywhere! Even in the gym! Please double your bodyguards. Stay inside and away from windows. Hire tasters and drinkers. Most of all, beware the red dot.
[Announcement: Alan Stang's new radio show, The Sting of Stang, will debut on Monday, July 14th, 7 to 8 a.m., Central, M-F, via Republic Broadcasting Network. To listen, go to and click on Listen Live. Call in is 800 313-9443. If you can't listen at that time, do so via the archives, which are free. I'll be talking about the various manifestations of the conspiracy for world government, its tactics, such as the illegal alien invasion, its purposes and its players, from Jorge W. Boosh on down.]
© 2008 - Alan Stang - All Rights Reserved
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Alan Stang was one of Mike Wallace’s original writers at Channel 13 in New York, where he wrote some of the scripts that sent Mike to CBS. Stang has been a radio talk show host himself. In Los Angeles, he went head to head nightly with Larry King, and, according to Arbitron, had almost twice as many listeners. He has been a foreign correspondent. He has written hundreds of feature magazine articles in national magazines and some fifteen books, for which he has won many awards, including a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for journalistic excellence. One of Stang’s exposés stopped a criminal attempt to seize control of New Mexico, where a gang seized a court house, held a judge hostage and killed a deputy. The scheme was close to success before Stang intervened. Another Stang exposé inspired major reforms in federal labor legislation.
His first book, It’s Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, was an instant best-seller. His first novel, The Highest Virtue, set in the Russian Revolution, won smashing reviews and five stars, top rating, from the West Coast Review of Books, which gave five stars in only one per cent of its reviews.
Stang has lectured in every American state and around the world and has guested on many top shows, including CNN’s Cross Fire. Because he and his wife had the most kids in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, where they lived at the time, the entire family was chosen to be actors in “Havana,” directed by Sydney Pollack and starring Robert Redford, the most expensive movie ever made (at the time). Alan Stang is the man in the ridiculous Harry Truman shirt with the pasted-down hair. He says they made him do it.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
America ! Be Truly Afraid By Rand Clifford
America ! Be Truly Afraid
By Rand Clifford
06 October, 2008
While compulsory lying, distractions and inane diversions reduce our fourth estate into corporate government's fifth column, it seems omission is the key tactic so solidly embedding mainstream corporate media into an exploiter of the people. Americans remain well informed regarding celebrities, entertainment, sports and weather—but when it comes to information people need to vote intelligently, understand what corporate government is really up to, or understand environmental issues, corporate media is little more than special-interest propaganda. And when it comes to the complex relationship of the nation and its citizens to the 95% of global population that are not American...strategies such as omission perpetuate the fossilized notion of "we're number one" being all that Americans really need to know.
So what if instead of subjugating, dividing and stupefying the the people, corporate media actually lived up to its noblest reason for being and served the peoples' best interests? What might be some of the headlines we'd see, and the essence driving them?
Closed-door session of the House prompts representative outrage, leaks
(March 13, 2008) The House of Representatives held only its sixth closed session since 1812, and the first since July 1983, when it secretly discussed U.S. support for the Contras in Nicaragua. The publicly stated reason for the recent closed session was for members to discuss new citizen surveillance provisions. However, conversations off the record have indicated that the meeting was primarily about nine key issues:
1) the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008
2) the imminent collapse of U.S. federal government finances by February 2009
3) the possibility of civil war inside the USA as a result of the collapses
4) advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" (those opposing the New World Order) likely to move against the government
5) detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84"camps constructed throughout the USA
6) possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses
7) the location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest
8) the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and Mexico (for its pool of cheap labor)
9) the issuance of a new currency – THE AMERO – for all three nations as the proposed solution to the upcoming economic Armageddon....
Imagine how much the above information would help people understand the enormity of, and better navigate lies blooming around the following:
Constitution violated, U.S. infantry troops to be deployed on U.S. soil starting October 1
The "Raiders", First Brigade Combat Team of the Third Division, are now under the command of US Army North, the Army's component of NorthCom—the Pentagon's northern command, which was created after 9/11 to defend the US "homeland" and aid local, state and federal authorities. Posse Comitatus was an act passed by Congress on June 16, 1878, which prohibits federal uniformed services from being deployed on non-federal property to maintain "law and order"....
Under the Constitution, federal armed forces are banned from law enforcement on home soil. So much for Posse Comitatus—as with so many Constitutional protections being stripped to "protect" the people. And now, amid all the scripted and pacifying rhetoric, as from 1st BCT's Commander, Col. Roger Cloutier, an ominous picture is forming.
"I can't think of a more noble mission than this," said Cloutier, " take care of citizens at home...and depending on where an event occurred, you're going home to take care of your hometown, your loved ones. It makes me feel good as an American to know that my country has dedicated a force to come in and help people at home." And, "I don't know what America's overall plan is—I just know that 24 hours a day, seven days a week, that there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that are standing by to come and help if they're called."
"Take care of? Help?" 1st BCT, the "Raiders"—they are an elite killing force of 4000 troops, the first brigade to be deployed in Iraq three times. Fresh from kicking down doors and arresting insurgents before taking them to internment camps, they are now being trained to use the first ever nonlethal package the Army has fielded. "It's a new modular package of nonlethal capabilities," said Cloutier, referring to crowd and traffic control devices designed to subdue the unruly and dangerous without killing them.
"Helping", "taking care of", "protecting" and more...wholesome euphemisms fogging the simple reality that Americans are FINALLY starting to wake up, and are going to need military kinds of subduing without killing them. With conditions of deepening economic crisis, the growing chasm between working Americans and the obscenely wealthy who control the government is becoming a threat to political stability that existing political framework cannot contain. Though the 1st BTC is scheduled to be deployed domestically for one year, their replacements are being groomed for permanent deployment on a larger scale.
Corporate government is demonstrating their true allegiance by so transparently maneuvering to protect the defacto ruling wealthy elite from righteous indignation of working people as the nation is destroyed from within. Does American government consider the people little more than a contemptible—and dangerous—nuisance now that the greatest transfer of public wealth up to the wealthy elite in history? Consider this missing headline:
U.S. troops and recruits quizzed about willingness to shoot friends and family members
Soldiers recently returning from Iraq reveal that U.S. troops are being trained to conduct domestic round-ups and confiscate guns, and being quizzed about shooting American citizens—including their own friends and family members—as part of a long-standing program to prepare for the declaration of martial law....
For 15 years military chiefs have been assessing whether U.S. troops would be prepared to round up, disarm, an possibly shoot Americans who disobey orders during a national state of emergency. Origins of this can be traced back to an October 1994 Marine questionnaire out of the Twentynine Palms Marine Base in California. Recruits were asked 46 questions, including whether they would kill U.S. citizens who refused to surrender their firearms.
Pastors and other religious representatives are being groomed into secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to "obey the government" in the run up to martial law, property and firearm seizures, mass vaccination programs and forced relocation.
The following missing headline answers questions regarding citizen relocation:
Over 800 American concentration camps are fully operational and ready for prisoners
These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) following declaration of martial law (at the stroke of a Presidential pen plus the Attorney General's signature on a warrant)....
While currently empty, all camps are staffed and manned by full-time guards, standing ready to receive U.S. prisoners who disagree with the government. Like Nazi extermination camps, many of the FEMA camps have Red/Blue lines:
Red List – These are enemies of the New World Order. Two weeks before martial law they could be taken from their homes and flown to camps for immediate extermination. Generally, these are people in leadership roles or other public positions.
Blue List – Also enemies of the New World Order but not necessarily leaders. After martial law these people could be rounded up for "re-programming" in the camps. Survivors will be used mostly for slave labor.
Omissions such as mentioned here—a comprehensive list would be enormous...even one covering just the last eight years. Such a list includes: obvious and repeated federal election fraud; truth about 9/11 and its coverup; truth about our illegal wars of aggression; truth about the current bankster coup and the trillion-dollar taxpayer drop in the bailout bucket which will largely go to foreign investors to avert lawsuits against fraudsters such as Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson; truth about the scuttling of the United States as a sovereign nation to make way for the corporate/fascist New World Order....
The main theme in omissions always orbits crucial truth people need to know, truth the ruling elite want suppressed. As it stands now, the more truth involved, and the more important that truth to the American people, the more likely a story is to be omitted.
We've come far down this road to oblivion, hustled along by lies, fraud, deception, distraction, fiendish exploitation of our own pathetic gullibility...and omission. How might we shatter the gullibility?
Imagine the American people...imagine us turning around and marching back toward truth. Can we still save the Republic, still save ourselves? The Big Bailout just blew us miles further, down the road.
Rand Clifford is a writer living in Spokane, Washington, with his wife Mary Ann, and their Chesapeake Bay retriever, Mink. Rand's novels CASTLING, TIMING, VOICES OF VIRES, and PRIEST LAKE CATHEDRAL are published by StarChief Press:
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Monday, October 6, 2008
"Ninety-two per cent of felony convictions are obtained by plea bargains or confessions"
"Ninety-two per cent of felony convictions are obtained by plea bargains or confessions"
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Naomi Wolf: Americans are facing a coup, as of this morning....
Naomi Wolf: Americans are facing a coup, as of this morning it's happened
Prison Planet
October 6, 2008
[1] Youtube
Monday, Oct 6, 2008
Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries" given October 4, 2008 on Mind Over Matters, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle.
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R.W. "Dick" Gaines
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GnySgt USMC (Ret.)
1952- (Plt #437PISC)-'72
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Sunday, October 5, 2008
Heroic US Congressmen Who Voted NO To 'Bailout'
Heroic US Congressmen Who Voted NO To 'Bailout'
Lorie Kramer
October 4, 2008
Real Representatives
Here are the great members of the House of Representatives
who voted NO to the so-called 'bailout' both times it was presented this past week.
These American patriots did not succumb to massive pressure to betray the People...they truly represented them.
They did not trade off the trust of their home districts for bankster lies, financial deception and hidden pork.
These people deserve to be recognized for honoring the wishes of their constituents.
State Representative Party
AK Rep. Donald Young R
AL Rep. Robert Aderholt R
AZ Rep. Jeff Flake R
AZ Rep. Trent Franks R
AZ Rep. Raúl Grijalva D
AZ Rep. Richard Renzi R
CA Rep. Xavier Becerra D
CA Rep. Brian Bilbray R
CA Rep. John Doolittle R
CA Rep. Bob Filner D
CA Rep. Elton Gallegly R
CA Rep. Duncan Hunter R
CA Rep. Darrell Issa R
CA Rep. Kevin McCarthy R
CA Rep. Grace Napolitano D
CA Rep. Devin Nunes R
CA Rep. Dana Rohrabacher R
CA Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard D
CA Rep. Edward Royce R
CA Rep. Loretta Sanchez D
CA Rep. Brad Sherman D
CA Rep. Fortney Stark D
CA Rep. Linda Sánchez D
CO Rep. Douglas Lamborn R
CO Rep. Marilyn Musgrave R
CO Rep. John Salazar D
CO Rep. Mark Udall D
CT Rep. Joseph Courtney D
FL Rep. Gus Michael Bilirakis R
FL Rep. Virginia Brown-Waite R
FL Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart R
FL Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart R
FL Rep. Tom Feeney R
FL Rep. Ric Keller R
FL Rep. Connie Mack IV R
FL Rep. John Mica R
FL Rep. Jeff Miller R
FL Rep. Clifford Stearns R
FL Rep. C. W. Bill Young R
GA Rep. John Barrow D
GA Rep. Paul Broun R
GA Rep. Nathan Deal R
GA Rep. Phil Gingrey R
GA Rep. Henry Johnson Jr. D
GA Rep. Jack Kingston R
GA Rep. John Linder R
GA Rep. Thomas Price R
GA Rep. Lynn Westmoreland R
IA Rep. Steve King R
IA Rep. Thomas Latham R
ID Rep. William Sali R
IL Rep. Jerry Costello D
IL Rep. Timothy Johnson R
IL Rep. Daniel Lipinski D
IL Rep. Donald Manzullo R
IL Rep. Peter Roskam R
IL Rep. John Shimkus R
IN Rep. Dan Burton R
IN Rep. Stephen Buyer R
IN Rep. Baron Hill D
IN Rep. Mike Pence R
IN Rep. Peter Visclosky D
KS Rep. Nancy Boyda D
KS Rep. Jerry Moran R
KS Rep. Todd Tiahrt R
KY Rep. Albert Chandler III D
KY Rep. Geoff Davis R
KY Rep. Edward Whitfield R
LA Rep. Donald Cazayoux Jr. D
LA Rep. William Jefferson D
LA Rep. Stephen Scalise R
MA Rep. William Delahunt D
MA Rep. Stephen Lynch D
MD Rep. Roscoe Bartlett R
ME Rep. Michael Michaud D
MI Rep. John Conyers Jr. D
MI Rep. Thaddeus McCotter R
MI Rep. Candice Miller R
MI Rep. Mike Rogers R
MI Rep. Bart Stupak D
MN Rep. Michele Bachmann R
MN Rep. Collin Peterson D
MN Rep. Timothy Walz D
MO Rep. W. Todd Akin R
MO Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. D
MO Rep. Samuel Graves R
MO Rep. Kenny Hulshof R
MS Rep. Travis Childers D
MS Rep. Gene Taylor D
MS Rep. Bennie Thompson D
MT Rep. Dennis Rehberg R
NC Rep. George Butterfield Jr. D
NC Rep. Virginia Foxx R
NC Rep. Robert Hayes R
NC Rep. Walter Beaman Jones Jr. R
NC Rep. Patrick McHenry R
NC Rep. Mike McIntyre D
NC Rep. Heath Shuler D
NE Rep. Jeff Fortenberry R
NE Rep. Adrian Smith R
NH Rep. Paul Hodes D
NH Rep. Carol Shea-Porter D
NJ Rep. Scott Garrett R
NJ Rep. Frank LoBiondo R
NJ Rep. Donald Payne D
NJ Rep. Steven Rothman D
NJ Rep. Christopher Smith R
NM Rep. Stevan Pearce R
NM Rep. Tom Udall D
NV Rep. Dean Heller R
NY Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand D
NY Rep. Maurice Hinchey D
NY Rep. José Serrano D
OH Rep. Steven Chabot R
OH Rep. James Jordan R
OH Rep. Marcy Kaptur D
OH Rep. Dennis Kucinich D
OH Rep. Steven LaTourette R
OH Rep. Robert Latta R
OH Rep. Michael Turner R
OK Rep. Frank Lucas R
OR Rep. Earl Blumenauer D
OR Rep. Peter DeFazio D
PA Rep. Jason Altmire D
PA Rep. Christopher Carney D
PA Rep. Philip English R
PA Rep. Tim Holden D
PA Rep. Tim Murphy R
PA Rep. Joseph Pitts R
PA Rep. Todd Platts R
SD Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin D
TN Rep. Marsha Blackburn R
TN Rep. David Davis R
TN Rep. Lincoln Davis D
TN Rep. John Duncan Jr. R
TX Rep. Michael Burgess R
TX Rep. John Carter R
TX Rep. John Culberson R
TX Rep. Lloyd Doggett D
TX Rep. Louis Gohmert R
TX Rep. Ralph Hall R
TX Rep. Jeb Hensarling R
TX Rep. Samuel Johnson R
TX Rep. Nicholas Lampson D
TX Rep. Kenny Marchant R
TX Rep. Michael McCaul R
TX Rep. Randy Neugebauer R
TX Rep. Ronald Paul R
TX Rep. Ted Poe R
TX Rep. Ciro Rodriguez D
UT Rep. Rob Bishop R
UT Rep. Jim Matheson D
VA Rep. Thelma Drake R
VA Rep. James Randy Forbes R
VA Rep. Virgil Goode Jr. R
VA Rep. Robert Goodlatte R
VA Rep. Robert Scott D
VA Rep. Robert Wittman R
WA Rep. Doc Hastings R
WA Rep. Jay Inslee D
WA Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers R
WA Rep. David George Reichert R
WI Rep. Steven Kagen D
WI Rep. Thomas Petri R
WI Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. R
WV Rep. Shelley Capito R
All who voted for this trillion dollar theft
should be removed from office on November 4.
Lorie Kramer - Houston, TX
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